The PEAK KIT (Mobile Fuel Lab) First Delivery

The PEAK KIT First Delivery to the United States Marines and the United States Army is Ready

D-2 Inc. is pleased to announce we have delivered the first of many PEAK Kit orders for the United States Marine Corps and the United States Army, these went on for testing and passed with flying colors. Soon the PEAK kit will be deployed into the field for these forces. The PEAK kit will improve the military’s ability to used captured fuel sources and ensure they are not going to damage the turbine engine running on the fuel or contaminate the ship the vehicle is returning to. The PEAK kit is a mobile go / no go testing kit for fuel and ensures the fuel is safe for use anywhere in the world. The PEAK kit has been drop tested and runs from -30 C to 50 C. 

The PEAK Kit as you can see comes in two versions, the left image above shows the USMC Version which comes in one case and includes a Flashpoint tester, the United States Army Version comes in two cases and does not include the flashpoint tester.  

Full Peak Kit Brochure: PEAK KIT 

D-2 Wins PEAK Award News Article: 

Defense Announcement of the PEAK Contract:


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