D-2 News
D2 News
Welcome to the D2 News Page, where we feature our product information, awards, company news, and our new Ocean and Marine Science News series. We have a Youtube channel where you can subscribe and see all the videos we have published thus far. When you are done head over to our Products Page and see our full line of precision sensors and systems.

Ocean News 7: AMOC Slowing Down? HydroPhones Sub Hunting
Ocean News 7: Is AMOC Slowing Down? HydroPhones for Submarine Hunting, DEEP Underwater Habitats https://youtu.be/KMswf4PWBUo 🌊 Dive into the latest Ocean News with Episode 7

Fast CTD Delivery Times and Quick Calibration Turnarounds
Oceanography has a CTD Lead Time Problem The Oceanographic Community studies the Earth’s Oceans providing critical information about our planet. They require Fast CTD Delivery

The Blue Innovation Symposium Flash Talk 2025 – New CTD Tech
This is the D-2 inc. flash talk at the Blue Innovation Symposium 2025 in Newport Rhode Island part of the Blue Venture Forum. Dean Fougere

Ocean News 6: Dark Oxygen Find, NE Fishing Industry Collapse?
In this sixth episode of Oceanography and Marine Science News, we are diver even deeper into the mystery of Dark Oxygen. Found deep in the

D-2 to Exhibit & Speak at Blue Innovation Symposium 2025
Blue Innovation Symposium will be held in the Old Port of Newport RI D-2 Inc. will be presenting our New CTD Technology at the Blue

Ocean News 5: Dark Oxygen, Wildfires, Great White Shark
Ocean News 5: Dark Oxygen, Wildfire Ash, Antarctica Mysteries, Largest Great White Shark & More https://youtu.be/jbfFjyoW21o Welcome to Ocean News 5 Dark Oxygen. What Happens

D-2 Ocean News 4: A23A Largest Iceberg Moving & #AMOC News
D-2 Ocean and Marine Science News Episode 4. The feature story in this video is the Iceberg A23A which is the size of Rhode Island,

D-2 Ocean News 3: Is #AMOC Going to Collapse from Fresh Water?
In this third episode of D-2 Oceanography and Marine Science News aka Ocean News 3 for short, we start out with a focus on the

Ocean News 2: Sail into a Hurricane? Red Sharks?
https://youtu.be/A0lauWli0ak This is D-2 Oceanography & Marine Science News episode 2. In this show did you know sharks cannot see red? What is happening to

D-2 Oceanography and Marine Science News Episode 1 – What Caused a Massive Ice Shelf to Collapse?
https://youtu.be/cPZwwgt_Q5M What Caused an Ice shelf 20x larger than Manhattan Island to suffer total collapse? This is the first episode of D-2 Oceanography and Marine

D-2 Inc. CTD’s Live in Arctic Ocean on Ice Tethered Profilers (ITP)
The Ice Tethered Program is an ambitious program to employ sensors down through holes in the Arctic ice to measure the Arctic Ocean a few

The PEAK KIT (Mobile Fuel Lab) First Delivery
The PEAK KIT First Delivery to the United States Marines and the United States Army is Ready D-2 Inc. is pleased to announce we have

D-2 Inc. recognized as Patriotic Employer by Office of The Secretary Of Defense
D-2 Inc. and Alan Fougere are pleased to announce we have been recognized by the Office of the Secretary of Defense Employer Support of the

D-2 Inc. to Attend IASH 2024
D-2 Inc. will be attending the 2024 IASH Conference, IASH is the International Association for Stability, Handling and Use of Liquid Fuels. This conference is

D-2 Inc. to Attend Oceans 2024 Conference in Halifax
D-2 Inc. is pleased to announce that we will be attending the OCEANS 2024 Conference and Exposition in Halifax, Novia Scotia, Canada this September 23-26.

D-2 Inc. Unveils new CTD Cell revolutionizing Oceanography
D-2 Inc. has developed, tested and now produced for field testing with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution WHOI and the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences BIOS

D-2 Inc Ultra Low Power CTD has been deployed via Ice Tethered Profiler Program Arctic Ocean
The D-2 Inc. Ultra Low Power CTD has been deployed with the Ice Tethered Profiler Program in the Arctic

D-2 Inc. Contract FROM Naval Air Warfare Center for Portable Navy Particle Counter
D-2 Inc. Awarded Contract FROM Naval Air Warfare Center for Particle Counter

Oceans Month 2024
D-2 Inc. Celebrates Oceans Month 2024 D-2 Inc. is happy to celebrate Oceans Month 2024. D-2 inc. recently decided to start manufacturing Oceanographic equipment in

JF-1A-ST Handheld Fuel Conductivity Customer Review

D-2 Continues to Expand
D-2 Inc. has hired a new employee to run the IT crowd internally.

D-2 Inc. Wins Award for Petroleum Expeditionary Analysis Kit (PEAK Kit)
D-2 Inc. Wins Award for Petroleum Expeditionary Analysis Kit (PEAK Kit)

Joint Inspection Group Bulletin – TESTING WATER SEPARATION PROPERTIES of Jet Fuel ASTM D8073

D-2 to Attend #OSM24 AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024
D-2 Inc is going to attend the AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024 in New Orleans this February 2024.

Oceanology 2024
D-2 Inc will be attending Oceanology 2024 in London.

CTD Calibration Lab Launched
D-2 Inc. is now offering calibration services for oceanographic CTDs.

D-2 Inc Hybrid CTD Data Analysis – Ocean and Lab
D-2 Inc. Hybrid CTD Data Analysis This is the D-2 Inc. Hybrid Conductivity, Temperature, Depth CTD Sensor. Two versions of the technology have been built:

CTD Lowering Tank DATA from WHOi
WHOI ran the D-2 Inc. CTD in their lowering tank which allows the gathering of response time data to verify sensor accuracy.

JF-1A-ST STICK Handheld Conductivity Meter now ASTM D2624
The JF-1A-ST Stick Handheld is now accepted for use in ASTM D2624, as an alternate to our JF-1A-HH Handheld Conductivity Meter.

How to install & Remove the JF-1A In Line Sensor
This is a how to video showing how to install and how to remove the JF-1A In Line Conductivity Sensor from the product line.

JF-WA1 Added to ATA103 Spec 103: Standard for Jet Fuel Quality Control at Airports
JF-WA1 Added to ATA103 Spec 103: Standard for Jet Fuel Quality Control at Airports

ASTM D8073 is Now Preferred Method According JIG Joint Inspection Group

Arctic Tethered Ocean Profiler (TOP) and the Hybrid CTD
D-2 Inc. is developing an OEM Version of the CTD for a WHOI Tethered Ocean Profiler (TOP), designed for use in the Arctic Environment.

D-2 Exhibits at Oceanology International 2022
Oceanology International 2022 Review by D-2 Inc. UUV’s, AUV’s, ROV’s On Display D-2 Inc. exhibited at the London Oceanology International Show 2022 and we are

Continued Development and Evaluation of the D-2 Inc. Hybrid CTD Sensor
This is a video describing the continued development and evaluation of D-2 Inc Hybrid CTD Ocean Sensor.

Water Separation Instrument (WSI) Now Included in Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB)
We are pleased to announce another important milestone for the WSI. The CGSB have confirmed the inclusion of ASTM D8073 (IP624) in Table 1 (mandatory) of the Canadian Jet fuel specification, CGSB 3.23-2019.
WSI saves users time, money and gives the most reliable results.
- Fully automated test – minimal operator knowledge required
- Consistent sample handling – ensures repeatability and reproducibility
- Rapid test – no warm up time and automated cleaning
- Cost saving – low cost consumables
- In field calibration – reduces instrument down time
If you have any questions or need further information on water separation and the WSI, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can review the WSI Product Page Here: (Will Add Link Soon)
The WSI Runs Using a Small One Time Use Filter, Lowering Operation Costs:
UnBoxing / Setting Up the WSI: https://youtu.be/sVQ7r40r3rc
How to Run the WSI: https://youtu.be/fUI63lHyMk8
Verification Procedure: https://youtu.be/ZOEFU9Zf6aw

D-2 Inc. CTD Sea Trials on the WHOI R/V Neil Armstrong
The D-2 Inc. CTD is currently undergoing Sea Trials on the WHOI Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. So far the data and the trials have been going extremely well, and the data is correlating perfectly. The D-2 Inc. CTD is working at depth in the Ocean, which is the ultimate test for any new technology, to work with precision in the field. Not only is our equipment working, but it is now the best equipment and technology in the market.
The CTD itself is very compact and can be added to almost any system, as shown below it is just strapped to a rosette. The D-2 CTD uses a new hybrid conductivity sensor technology that allows us to not require a pump to flush the conductivity cell, it is free flushing. Which makes it easier to mount our CTD in unique ways such as below on this rosette strapped vertically.
Images of the D-2 Inc. CTD from the Armstrong:

ATEX QAN & Authorization Letter against Directive 2014/34/EU & IECEx QAR
ATEX QAN & Authorization Letter against Directive 2014/34/EU & IECEx QAR
D-2 Incoporated is pleased to announce we have passed the FM Approvals Global audit for ATEX QAN and IECEx QAR. We had no conformance issues, passing with flying colors as is reported in the audit. This now means we can manufacture the JF-1A and JF-1A-HP in line conductivity sensors with IECEx certification.
Summary of the procedure by FM Global:
“This audit was conducted to examine the processes and procedures used by D-2, Inc. at their manufacturing location at 23 Edgerton Drive, Suite A, North Falmouth, MA 02062, U.S.A. in relation to the ATEX / IECEx products listed in Section A4 of the attached Annex A.”
According to the report, FM Global found zero non compliance. This along with our Level 0 CAR level (see previous article) is a testament to our company’s quality assurance.
The FM Certificates and Reports Can Be Found here:
Quality Assurance Notification: No. FM17ATEXQ0040
IECEx Quality Assessment Report Summary: GB/FME/QAR19.0003/00 details

ASTM D8073 Added to ASTM D1655 Appendix X
The world of Aviation Turbine Kerosense testing and qualification took another major step forward toward increased precision and automation of the aviation turbine fuel certification process. The D-2 Inc. WSI Water Separation Instrument, ASTM Test Method D8073 (IP 624) has been incorporated in D1655. D8073 is an improved method to better determine the ability access the water separation characteristics of aviation turbine. Better assessment allows confidence that fuel will not disarm field water separators, providing users more efficient terminal operations.
The current incorporation is to the non-mandatory section of D1655. This change intended to allow operators to expand field use of the new Method with a goal to gain additional user data to speed D8073 adoption into the mandatory section of D1655 with limits. The most recent revision of ASTM D1655 Revision 18B, December 1, 2018 reflects these changes. Under Appendix X1.13.2 and X1.13.2.2.
The WSI Water Separation Instrument ASTM D8073 is continuing its field testing at multiple locations to further establish the data is reliable and can be used for fuel certification. These test sites include major Oil Company Producers, multiple international locations and branches of the US Military. We welcome all request for demonstration of the D8073 method to your laboratory, please contact our sales team if you would like to schedule a visit.
The WSI is a major improvement over the previous Test Methods. The WSI instrument brings full automation to the ASTM water separation test. Eliminating user error and significantly reducing false positives and false negative results. The team has also developed a comprehensive report on D8073 and its response to a variety of approved and unapproved aviation turbine additives, if you would like a copy of that report please send a request, it can also be found in the ASTM Work Item 57443 collaboration area
For more information on the WSI Instrument please see our product page… (Will add soon)