Arctic Tethered Ocean Profiler (TOP) and the Hybrid CTD

D-2 Inc. is developing an OEM Version of the CTD for a WHOI Ice Tethered Profiler. This is a custom designed version of the CTD, where the Conductivity cell, pressure sensor and temp sensor have been incorporated into the design of already existing ice tethered profiling platform. 

The Tethered Ocean Profiler, or “TOP”, is a combination of an ITP surface package with a specially designed profiler to sample the upper 200 m of the water column completely up to the under-ice surface.” -WHOI Source:

 “The ITP program is an international effort with International Polar Year contributions from the European Union program DAMOCLES (Developing Arctic Modeling and Observing Capabilities for Long-term Environmental Studies) and collaborations with the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), French Polar Institute (IPEV)Ocean University ChinaShirshov Institute of Oceanography, the U.K. ASBO and TEA-COSI programmes, U.S. Office of Naval ResearchYale University and WHOI.” – WHOI


D-2 Inc. is fully capable of producing OEM versions of our CTD’s and shallow water CT sensors. These allow our end users to incorporate the D-2 Inc. CTD into their already existing design. Please contact us if you have any specific applications in mind that require a custom CTD design. 

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